Redeemer Lutheran Church was organized on May 24, 1952, with 13 communicant members. The first church home was at the corner of Roane and Barnett Streets in Harriman. The present church site in Midtown was purchased in 1962, and our current facility was dedicated May 31, 1964. Twenty years later, the present facility was expanded and a new education unit was built. Extensive renovations to both the interior and exterior of the building, including covering the entire building with stone siding, were completed in 1994.
• We are sinful people who need God’s forgiveness.
• We are people who need the comfort and hope found only in God’s word.
• We are people saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
• We are people who desire to learn more about God through the study of His Word.
• We are people who need and want to be strengthened in faith.
• We are people who long to serve others in thanksgiving to God for all the blessings He gives to us.
• We are people who join in the worldwide gospel outreach of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
Christianity is not simply a list of rules for living right, and it is not simply a list of do’s and don’ts. Christianity is about a God who loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die for us. And, Christians are people saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ.