Pastor Michael M. Miller
Michael M. Miller was born on June 16, 1960, to Marvin and Jean (Barneke) Miller in Lincoln, Nebraska. He was baptized in the name of the Triune God on July 3, 1960, at Faith Lutheran Church in Lincoln. He was Confirmed in the faith into which he was baptized on May 26, 1974, at Faith Lutheran in Lincoln. His Confirmation verse was Romans 1:16: “I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.”
After briefly attending the University of Nebraska, he enrolled at Concordia Teachers College (now Concordia University) in Seward, Nebraska. He received a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education in 1982. He then attended Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. From 1985-1986, he served his vicarage at St. Peter Lutheran Church, Norwalk, Connecticut. Upon graduating from Concordia Seminary in 1987, he remained there to pursue a Master of Sacred Theology degree, which he was awarded in 1995. After completing his course work, he received his
first Call to Redeemer Lutheran Church, Harriman, Tennessee, where he was Ordained and Installed on August 27, 1989.
Michael and Jennifer (Nerz), daughter of Jimmy and Sigrid Nerz, were united in marriage on June 20, 1986. The Lord has blessed their marriage with two surviving children, Micah (25) and wife, Margaret, and Sara (21). A third child, Michael II, was born, reborn in Baptism, and entered into glory on May 8, 1991.